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Girl Gamer Elite said:

And if your only attack on a point of criticism is that of generalization the criticism to essentially encompass all games, you've essentially just negated the very point of trying compare games in any way to begin with, making any discussion on the matter outside of shameless pandering, moot. Let us avoid such tricks of rhetoric and semantics and just wait for the game to come out before making too many predictions of whether it will be good or bad.

The game will either be:

A. Good, and sell an decent number of copies.

B. Good, and sell an underwhelming number of copies.

C. Mediocre, and sell a dissapointing number of copies.

This is assuming of course that the PS3's software attatch rate don't pick up, at this rate I doesn't expect to see too many of its exclusives outside of the unquestionable MGS4, GT5, GOW3 or FFXIII do terribly well.

Genre plays a big part in this too, is this a genre that will attract a large amount of the PS3's user base? I have no clue.

The track record of the developer says it will most likely be a good game.  Seeing a demo or a few trailers is not going to be indicative of the gameplay for the entire game.

Also, sales have nothing to do with the topic at hand.