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BMaker11 said:
selnor said:
aragod said:
I would love to know what he likes about the PS3, he is allways spewing poison on anything not Xbox, so his statement has little value.

In this instance everyone agrees. It's like using your phone for internet. It's a bumbling shocking mess. Apps are the way to go. Both Apple and M$ realised this years ago.

I dunno.....Opera on my Blackberry works like a charm, and Safari on the iPhone/iTouch is great. So I'm confused at what you're getting at.

Once again, something > nothing. You can make a big calamity about how much the PS3 browser isn't good, but remember, THE 360 DOESN'T HAVE ONE AT ALL. So why're you complaining? 

You don't like Blu-rays because the movies are expensive. So does that mean that since the PS3 has a BD drive instead of a DVD drive, it's a "nightmare"? (that was a hypothetical, btw). I'd rather have the OPTION of using a feature than not having the option.

How about this, why don't you just buy a DVD player, and enjoy that all by itsself? It can't play games, while the 360 can. But, you seem to like the "less = more" approach that M$ always spews.

I'm not complaining. It's the PS3 fans coming here stating crap. They know it works horrible. I'll admit I have only used it twice to look at Facebook and Hotmail at my mates. But it is like licking carpet. I would much rather Sony incorporate the social networking stuff into specially designed PS3 apps. Also M$ are designing a special application for 360 for Live members to write up there own reviews, guides, cheats etc. Again to do that on PS3 you have to bumble through the Internet browser. It's a console not a PC.

And why on earth would you waste time using Internet programs on Iphone. There are over 10,000 Apps which are so much easy and better to use.

Also where 360 is concerned, with Live intergration into Windows phone 7, apps are gonna start flying onto Xbox Live. I really believe Xbox Live this time next year is gonna be HUGE.