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heedstone said:

Clap, clapity, clap clap clap!

Sony 1 : Hackers 0


Good to see Sony's learned from the PSP

yes it does

you alway's hear on this website on How Sony's PSP cannot sell software, well the point being the software need's as much sales as it can get than, what little Piracy it get's is that much more crippling. So if your trying to get your money back from software sales every sale count's. with Piracy there is no sale except for the one copy that promptly get's it's UMD DUMPED and uploaded onto the internet, which inturn get's download by many who are just waiting for the next software dump.

when consumer's are not buying very many copy's of your software, this does not help, it make's it that much more critical to keep Piracy low, hell if Sony's game's sold more than 2 million+ on average Piracy would not be much of an issue to the bottom line. but that's not the case.Even though the PSP is not Pirated as much as the Nintendo DS is, the DS has more of it's software sell in greater #'s per software game on a game per game basis than Sony does with the PSP.

both are Bad but with the PSP the effect's are worse than for the DS due to the software sell's better than the PSP software on average on the DS than it does on the PSP.

Its enough to matter at this point Sony is trying to prevent that from doing the same effect to the PS3. already the PS3 at most get's sometime's on it's software something like what 3 million to 4 million / software game at most,

while on the otherhand its been many time's this generation both of the :

Nintendo machine's


Microsoft's xbox360 have sales for software to reach over the 6+ million mark

Sony's machine has yet to have one of it's game's to sell over 5 if I am not mistaken, so it's no wonder Piracy for Sony is such a concern.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.