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I'm Spanish resident in London, whenever I go to Spain to a Game shop they always say that the Wii is sold out, selling like hot cakes.

Nevertheless, the Sony brand is huge in Spain, why? it's hard to tell but here's what I think, just my opinion.

When the PSOne appeared on the market, the videogames where at its golden age, Super NES and Mega Drive (good old days)

The machines were view as powerful toys, so on the next step of the ladder I guess that the public started to demand fancy things.

When Sony presented their console, it wasn't anymore a console, it was made by Sony, so it was an electronic device, it was cool to have one, as it wasn't a console.

Still, people didn't rush to buy one, till the second or even third year, when it was very well known that a friend of a friend of a friend, for little money will trick your console so you'll never have to pay for games again.

There you go, perfect combination, cool electronic device + free games = TOTAL DOMINATION

When the PS2 came around, lots of people (apart from early adopters) were waiting till the first chips appeared on the market, so they could get their even cooler device + free games.

I can put my hand on the fire that people is sure that they'll chip the PS3 as well.

Then what some other people has mentioned before me, the image of the Sony product is not the one of a toy, and the fact that you play football games on it it makes it console of choice for the casuals.

It's funny but all my friends always assumed that (we all had PS2s) that the Sony console in Spain is for the casuals, as they play FIFA and Pro Evo, while having an Xbox or a Game Cube is more for the people that it's actually into gaming.

I know that that statement sounds crazy but, I'm sure more Spaniards on this forum could agree to some extent that that's the general view of them.

I currently own a Wii and a 360, planning on getting a PS3 sometime next year, I always get all the consoles in all generations, but this time I'll wait for the PS3 as right now doesn't have a lot of games that appeal to me. Bring on Gran Turismo and ICO/Shadow of the Colossus and I'm in.


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