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So, here we go! Hold on to your hats!


nordlead said:

1) "trapping" someone would mean you have a human, which you don't. For me to be "trapped" you would have to have some kind of lie or deception that you have caught me in. I'd love to see any at all, but the only thing I see is you reading into posts WAY to deeply. Next thing you know you'll tell me I spelled a word wrong and therefore I'm scum.

Also, if your trap is using faulty logic ("I could have saved Mario") and then convincing the town that you were never wrong in the first place so you can lynch others it is a pretty crappy trap. You could have just said "I understood the rules wrong" and it would have ended, but as I pointed out you used it to accuse Falcon of being a human. You pretend you want to drop it, but you are the one who won't. You acuse others of being obtuse, yet you yourself are not listening to others trying to explain the rules. Again, this isn't a trap, this is just crappy logic.

2) if you want to go the roleclaim route with "stealth roleclaims" that is a bunch of garbage. Nothing you have posted obviously points to any role. A typical scum move is to hide roleclaims within posts that no one can see until you "reveal" the roleclaim. Heck, go back and read the bold letters, I just stealth claimed I'm pro-town. SAK at least claims he is awesome, which I know that refers to a role, as I have an adjective in my role too ( zombie).

If you want to go the roleclaim route, you better roleclaim doctor cause there isn't much of a more important role than my own which I can counterclaim, so let's go that route.

Edited for bullshit.

And I like to leave that last bit in, because it seems very suspicious to my eyes.

My roleclaim

I am the Telephone Pole

  • You're all under a radiation-induced collective-delusion as what you're reading right now isn't really there, as I'm just a telephone pole
  • You might think you see me casting a vote during the day, but you're mistaken, as I can't really be voting because I'm a telephone pole (i.e. my vote is not counted)
  • During the night - I do nothing, because I'm a telephone pole (i.e. no night actions)
  • You might try to kill me, but it won't work - because I'm a telephone pole (i.e. complete nightkill immunity)
  • I am however part of the town - quite literally, because I'm a telephone pole - and therefore I win with the town

My stealth-roleclaims

Vote Count

supermario128 - nordlead, TruckOSaurus, Falcon095, Final-Fan (L-1)
nordlead - trangentspree (L-5 )
No Lynch - supermario128, SuperAdrianK, c03n3nj0 (L-2)

Not voting - dsister44

With 9 alive, 5 votes are required to lynch.

(table will be posted at the start of each day)

  • To a lesser degree: when I posted this picture with lyrics from the song 'Lovestruck' by Madness, a song about a man falling in love with a lamp post ( I couldn't find a popular song about a telephone pole ¬_¬)


These guys have shown my tall and inanimate kind more love than this whole town.


A bit of explanation

  • To clarify, my vote for Nordlead wasn't initially intended to be a stealth-roleclaim (this is obvious as Final-Fan had already voted for Nordlead when I did, only to change his vote later). My vote for Nordlead was primarily to avoid everyone finding out that my votes don't count - I didn't want to go the dsister route of making a big song and dance about it. Oddly enough what actually happened was that Final-Fan changed his vote and that meant it was laid out bare for everyone to see - but if people did notice it they sure as hell haven't pointed it out. So it has become a very reliable stealth-roleclaim I never intended to make.
  • I can't cast votes, I have no night abilities - the only way I can help the town is by being very active during the day and attempting to draw antitown nightkills from the humans during the night. This is why I behaved like a 'Grand Inquisitor' or whatever F-F called me - I wanted to badger people enough so if they were human, they noticed me and wanted to get rid of me. It's also why I started up those slightly controversial topics like the lie detector - I was more interested in the individual responses I got than the topics themselves (the whole to-lynch-day1/or-not-to-lynch-day1 never affected me because my vote doesn't even count & I knew the chance of there being a lie detector is very slim)
  • This whole majority/plurality argument with Final-Fan has been hilariously redundant - I lied when I said I could have helped Mario by voting No Lynch if I wanted to, because it wouldn't have made the slightest bit of difference what I voted. I only said this in reply to Nordlead because I was wary of him going after me after possibly targetting me during the Night and finding out he couldn't kill me.

Why only humans would want to see me lynched and why Nordlead is human

  • I tried very hard during Day 1 to attract the attention of the humans and get them to aim their nightkills at me during the night - and I believe it's very likely that I succeeded. I don't believe that Nordlead was targetted last night like he claims because 1) if he even was a zombie he was a highly suspicious zombie and those are useful for the humans to keep around and 2) I'm almost certain that he's a human.
  • The humans would be desperate to get me mislynched after failing to kill me during the night, because it's the only way they could get rid of me - and this makes me very suspicious of anyone that tries to go after me without a reasonable argument (so far that's Truck and Nordlead - although I didn't like the way Falcon went about it either)
  • I said before that there was one thing that Nordlead said to me that convinced me he was human, and it was the last line of this post directed at me:
nordlead said:

red - typically the scum like to jump on me and insist I'm crazy/scum, while the pro-town typically join in late or half believe it. I also didn't give any of those as reasons for trusting them, just reasons to not vote now.

blue - hey, I eliminated 2 out of 7 people in my scum hunting. Not to shabby if I say so myself. I have no problem going after people to get them talking. It's what makes them slip up just enough to catch on to them.

do you think the humans will re-kill me tonight?

I see no reason why a zombie would ask me this, even if it was a zombie that believed he got doctor protection the night before and wanted to remind everyone that that's what he believed. It sounds too provocative, like he wanted me to answer 'no' so he could ask questions about how I could be so sure that he didn't get targetted - so he could ascertain my role better. And I could only see him wanting to do this if he is a human that targetted me the night before.