sonyfanatic on 31 March 2010
darthdevidem01 said: What are your main paradigms people?!! Mine: COM/RAV/RAV -- Main RAV/RAV/RAV -- Secondary( I use it after I have 1 round of the main one, unless its a weak enemy) COM/MED/RAV -- Used when health is low on 1 character..usually during a stagger of an enemy RAV/MED/RAV -- Used when health is low on 1 character when the enemy isn't in a stagger state MED/MED/MED -- Really important cus some enemies take away 85% of the health in 1 attack! MED/SYN/SAB -- Usually used at the start of a boss battle |
What is your team?( I use light vanille and fang so i cant use tri-disaster cause fang isnt a rav; and is she even a good rav?)