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I still play COD 1 on PC almost every night, nothing beats it's game play. Since then single player in the COD series has turned into 'Checkpoint of Duty'. Your main objective, figure out the enemy spawning scripts, avoid the enemy, reach the next checkpoint. The check point can be 5 feet in front of you, but until you reach it enemy will continue to spawn, no matter how many you kill. When you reach the check point, the enemy will stop spawning, until you you get close to the next checkpoint. Multiplayer was OK in CODMW1, but preferred Killzone 2's bigger maps, more players, more realistic play, and the single player was good also. Still, joysticks suck as FP controls, nothing compares to my marble mouse and a keyboard, although I used to use a marble mouse and one hand joystick. When will someone wise up and put a marble mouse ON a joystick for consoles??!!!!