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smbu2000 said:
Darc Requiem said:
themanwithnoname said:
Anyone else done the Firewalker missions yet? A little repetitive, but not bad for it being free and all.

Yeah I agree. That said, I really liked the Hammerhead. I wish you got to use it for more than the five missions in the DLC. It's a lot more agile than the Mako was. Although on Insanity, the one mission where you have to fight the geth and recover the 5 research points is a complete pain in the ass.

Yeah, that one mission was the toughest one for me (on hardcore) until I just started staying really far away and attacking them from afar. On that last platform if you jump over (to bring the enemies out) and then turn around and jump right back to the other side you can hit them from far away. At least it worked on hardcore, I haven't tried it on Insanity yet.

That's what I did too. You can't get creative at all in that mission. I stayed over there the first time and just tried to steamroll everyone, but got torn to pieces in a matter of seconds.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.