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Well I'm glad you finally made your move Nordlead.

So far you've been a bit of a conundrum to me. A lot of the things you did on Day 1 caught my eye: such as the abruptness to your vote, that oddly accusational statement you made against me, and your major hang-up about saying 'you're a zombie' or really lack of any tolerance that day for discussion that didn't bring the day towards an earlier close (1 & at the end of 2.)

Today you've been trickier to read because of your absences (although I can understand that you've been busy with your family, and that's A-OK) but a lot of your posts today with content have been pretty safe and reserved ('suspect people that didn't vote Mario', 'suspect people that changed their vote', 'here's a list of people that I don't really suspect') and that's why I wanted to hear you list your suspicions in some kind of order.

Also I liked it before when you said "also, as usual, I'm very suspicious of anyone who votes for me. It's just my nature, so yea" because, unlike you, I have a very, very good reason to suspect anyone that tries to go after me. And there was one thing you said to me today that sent alarm-bells and sirens going all kinds of crazy in my head. I wonder if you can guess what it is?

Recently you're constantly dredging up the same things to use against me ('I would like to ignore it and it probably means nothing but...') that I've already defended myself against. The newest one I see now is the TruckOSaurus' HoS of which I dealt with pages ago. Thing is, I pulled this exact same stunt on WoW last game. It didn't matter how many times he tried to defend himself against that Modkill post or the parts of his roleclaim - I went after him with enough intensity using the same arguments over and over that he couldn't say anything more to defend himself and in the end he became a lynchable target.

I would have preferred to have made it to Day 3 without having to roleclaim because what I've been doing could benefit the town enormously at least once more. But you've made me almost 100% certain that you are human now, so if I can't get you lynched today without roleclaiming I'll settle for getting you lynched with a roleclaim (and as a prelude: I already stealth roleclaimed twice during this game.)