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axt113 said:
archbrix said:
axt113 said:

History proves you wrong, you keep saying that 2D Mario wouldn't sell as much, sorry, but if that were true, then you wouldn't have seen NSMB Wii blow by every 3D Mario in a matter of weeks.  Also trying to point to SMW 2, which wasn't a Super Mario game just proves the weakness of your argument.

No a good game is a good game, is a good game, and a 2D Super Mario game is better than a 3D Mario, and that's been proven over and over, Mario 64 was a flop when compared to Super Mario games, and it has nothing to do with the times, if it did, NSMB Wii wouldn't have sold as much, but it sold far more, because its a better game, not because of the times.  But obviously you just don't have a clue of how the market works.


Again, NSMB Wii was released last year, not in '96.  The market is already past the inception of 3D; of course a fun game is going to sell.  The "15+ year" argument that Khuutra made is not garbage, it's just not what you want to hear.  If you knew anything about the market (clearly you don't) you'd know that something that works at one moment may not be as popular the next.

Super Mario 2, a 2D game, sold 10 million+ copies on a system that sold over 61 million consoles.

Super Mario 64, a 3D game, sold over 11 million copies on a system that only sold 32+ million consoles.

Not only did Mario 64 sell more copies total, it did so with a much lower install base.

Your "no exceptions" argument fails.

And you lose... again.





Wow, your arguments continue to become more and more wrong.

Sorry, but no, the whole idea that the inception of 3D would knock off Super Mario is disproved by your own comments, if 3D was able to do so, then Mario 64 would have sold as well as a super mario, it did not, so your argument fails and the 15+ years argument is garbage.

Super Mario 2 was not released both in Japan and US, if you recall, the version in the US was a skin of a different game, so you are trying to compare apples and oranges here, SMB 3 on the other hand sold far better than Mario 64.  Also why do you think N64 sold so poorly, because Mario 64 wasn't able to push hardware like Super Mario

I'm afraid your arguments are once again extremely weak and easily shown to be wrong, I suggest you learn more about the market before replying again

Funny, really.  Super Mario World 2 doesn't count because you use Yoshi.  Super Mario 2 doesn't count because it was originally another game.  Grasping at straws are we?

Let me try and explain this one more time; hopefully you'll understand.  I never said anything negative about the 2D Super Mario games.  They are phenomenal games that always do well, and rightfully so.  What I said was Super Mario 64 was the right way to go at the time of its release.  A 2D Super Mario just wouldn't have pushed as much hardware in the face of the Playstation at that time.  Would it have sold well?  Absolutely.  Should they have gone 2D again later on the Gamecube?  Probably, as I didn't enjoy Sunshine nearly as much as any other Mario game.  The 15+ years point was not the main reason NSMB did well, but it certainly helped.  Again, not "garbage" as you stated.

Your continued arguments all stem from the simple fact that I originally pointed out that you were wrong about the DS sales slowing down, as last year was its biggest year yet.  Someone pointed out that the 3DS was announced despite that the DS was still selling well, which was a good point, but you obviously think you know more than anyone else on this forum.  "Think" being the key word.

You continue to throw around "weak" and "learn more about the market" over and over again simply because you have no other way of responding when your arguments are proven wrong, just like they were with your latest "no exceptions" rant.

Sad, axt113, very sad.  Perhaps one day YOU will understand how the market works, then your "suggestion" might actually mean something.