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lestatdark said:
dtewi said:
lestatdark said:
dtewi said:
lestatdark said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Well apparently people played FF7 with just using magic or the first weapon they got & so on

hmmm maybe I should also just not level up light's weapon and see if that adds to the difficulty.

The hardest challenge on FF7 was No Materia, Original Weapons, No Accesories and No Items.

It wasn't that hard, per se, mainly because Limit Breaks were ridiculously overpowered. Getting through Disc 1 was a Breeze using Aeris as a front row combatant, being the Materia Keeper and the Demon Wall the only trully challenging bosses on Disc 1.

After Disc 2, people either relied on Yuffie's Cleansing Light or Cait Sith's Dice limit break for healing and survival. 

No it isn't.

Not restricting levels makes it very easy.

That challenge alone implied restricted levels. I've not seen any one go over level 35 doing that challenge, mainly because normal battles would be too draining on the limit bar itself.

And any challenge that meant for you to be below level 30 would be simply impossible, mainly because you needed to have over 1.2K HP minimun to survive Ultima Weapon's Ultima attack on the story fight on Mideel.

Actually, that is impossible, the challenge you said since there would be no possible way to survive Jenova*DEATH without a Fire Ring and there is no way in hell to survive Carry Armor without Original Weapons.

The most difficult (and plausibe) is No Materia, No Items, Low Level (max 29).

Actually, this one is the hardest.

Low leves, no Accesories, original weapons and no materia. Items are allowed, but since you're playing a low level challenge, you can't farm for items nor gil, so you'll be extremely limited to the amount and type of items you can have, especialy the Lunar and Light Curtains needed for Barrier&M-Barrier, which are already very rare and difficult to get normally.


All I know is one guy has done every FF7 challenge on GameFAQs and only he would know.

He's on Youtube, GarlandtheGreat.

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Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

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