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haxxiy said:
Man that dude called Alonso is wicked good haha. He went to last, recovered all the way until Massa, held Hamilton for over ten laps until the McLaren driver crashed into Webber. Button and Kubica were also geniouses, knowing how to handle the tires all the way to the end, not to mention Button's fantastic move at the beginning.

I feel bad for Vettel and Schumacher though.

Wow. How can someone watch something so different.

1stly : Alonso made 11 places up over 1 pitstop. Puretiming on the teams part nothing more. He got lucky and made another 3 places up due to 3 cars crashing out. when Webber went off he made up another and Mclaren bringing Lewis in for a NOT needed 2nd pitstop was another free place. Dont get me wrong, Alonso is a great driver. But he did absolutely nothing to get himself in 4th. Also Alonso was in the wrong for the first corner.

2ndly : Lewis didnt crash into Webber. Webber was 100% in the wrong, misjudged the battle in front of him and left himself no room to break. He broke to late when the car had very little downforce tucked into Lewis that it was inevitable Webber would hit Lewis. A schoolboy error.

Button was lucky. I know people are giving him cred and all, but he had killed his inters. He had to pit regardless. It was either another set of inters or Slicks. He had to go slicks really, because otherwise he would had to have made another pitstp 2-3 laps later for slicks anyway meaning he would have had an extra pitstop that noone else would have had. The choice Mclaren are actually refferring to is Whether he wanted the slicks or another set of Inters. He didnt really have a choice as Inters would have been a mistake. He didnt 'choose' to come in when he did, he had to because his laptimes were more than 1 second off of Lewis at the time.

Kubica was lucky first corner giving him several postions. Defense was his game. Had Lewis not have been brought in, he would have been 3rd. It was obvious to see. Although he did better defending than Rosberg, Button, Massa and Webber all did against Lewis.

Alonso also was likely have lost out to Lewis on the following corner. Watch the replay where Lewis is hit by Webber. As Alonso carries on, he his wide and struggles for grip. So much so, that Rosberg who was well behind Webber was nose to tail with Alonso in the very next corner. Lewis had set up so he had the run down the inside just as Webber hit him. Alonso would definately have lost the position to Lewis struggling for grip as Alonso did after defending that corner. Lewis had the line, as Rosberg showed.

Driver of the day in Bahrain was Alonso. But Australia was Lewis by a country mile. Even Steffan said Lewis was impressive as did Mercedes GP Rosbergs engineer. Stunning was the word he used.