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dtewi said:
Vetteman94 said:
dtewi said:
Vetteman94 said:
Sorry, there are way too many variables and holes in your numbers. Like how can there ever be a 67% chance we lynch scum today with a cop roleclaim? There isnt. I dont know where you are getting those numbers but they are wrong. I am starting to think you are doing it to confuse the rest of the people and trying to lead them into a situation you want.

FoS: theRepublic

Dude, learn to read.

He said in a note for the second list of probabilities that if we were about to lynch a known innocent, the cop would step in and stop us.

You're acting crazy. Why don't you provide the things you think he's wrong with? Would you want to do the chances of everything happening? Or do you just want him dead?

Dont tell me to learn to read,  I did,  I also took a statistics course in college so I know what I am talking about.  Providing chanes of everything in a game with too many variables is worthless.  You could provide pages of statistics.  And none of it would really help.

Like I said,  I think he is doing this to make it look like he is town, but in fact he is probably mafia.. 

Just because you took a course on it doesn't mean that you're the omniscient god on the subject and everyone should listen to you.

I asked him to do it, because I was thinking whether or not the cop should roleclaim. Now, I think the cop should not roleclaim and we should do a no lynch.

WTF are you talking about?   For one, where did I claim to be an omniscient god on anything?  I mentioned that his figures left out alot variables and that relying on statistics in a game like this is worthless,  I knew that because I have background in that subject.