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Wow, the possibilities. I love the whole "3D" aspect that will be incorporated into gaming.

 Lets say for a shooting game, you could "peep" around the corner and see a baddie you would not have normally seen. Because with this new "3D" gameplay that Nintendo possibly has going on, it is possible. Imagine being able to look at the tv/screen at different angles and see more. 

Like a terrorist just around the corner in Call of Duty. Suprise grenade anyone?? Peep around for the sniper kill?

A skeleton hiding behind a huge tombstone in a graveyard in Zelda. Link and his steel know what to do.

This is just one aspect! There are countless of other 3D gameplay aspects you could use for RPG, action, story, sports games and so forth.

Simple things like a "Looking outside the window game". You have a flatscreen up against the wall that looks as if it is a window to the outside world! Kids playing, birds chirping, hell you could even have some Rhino's run by. And because its in "3D"? You can look out the window and see more! 

Oh man the possibilites


Also just one thing Nintendo needs to get with. Next Gen, have some sort of an Nintendo online community. A name tag instead of different 10+ digit codes for every single game.



I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

