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Your calculations are correct, the PS3 could overtake the 360 worldwide in that timeframe.

That being said, your calculations are meaningless. What you are doing is taking a small sample size that is not representative of the way this gen has played out, and then extrapolating a direct line out from the current trajectory. There is no evidence to suggest that this trend will continue beyond the 3rd or 4th quarter of this year, in fact the ONLY solid evidence we do have is that it will NOT continue. Every year since the PS3 launched there has been a paradigm change around Q4 of the year, this is a fact. Also, your hypothesis depends on the fact that no factors change from now until then, and one of the facts we do know is that both companies will be launching potential game changing peripherals this fall, based on what is called the "disruptive technology" of the Wii, so we know for a FACT that a factor WILL change. So yes it could happen, but anyone can tell you that, everyone can see that the PS3 is selling more than the 360 right now. But that means nothing in regards to knowing what will happen.