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I've played mine briefly so far (don't have time to play it more for a while).

It's great, the game recognizes what you're doing brilliantly. I naturally went with weak little motions initially (most games accept them), but my in game attacks ended up weak, and that's more than just the horizontal and vertical swings, it seems to be a general thing.

I will say one thing though, the mix of FPS and sword controls does end up a little awkward. I think it will take some getting used to. Especially with the game locking on to guys before I've even realized.

Still, it's fun even before you've got to grips with the controls, so I don't think that's gonna hamper the game too much, you can still just pick it up and start swinging after all.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.