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Srry, but i had to get that of my mind. Let me explain:

No more heroes (or every game from Suda51 for that matter) is a developer of niche games. As such he makes games that most people dislike or find to 'different' to purchase.

Lets have a look at how the last title made by Suda for a homeconsole sold:

PS2: About 3k at launchweek.

In comparison: No more heroes on Wii did around 10k first DAY... Thats more than 300% increase on a first DAY compared to a first full week on the PS2.

Ofcourse the Gamecube version of Killer 7 did even worse than those 3k on the PS2.

But this shows there's a much wider niche-title appeal on the Wii. This game was never destined to have huge, heck even great sales.