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many people will get gt5 but probably not on a record scale, to put it in perspective lets use gt prologue and halo 3 sales, in 12 days halo sold 3.3 million while gt prologue from its release until 2009 sold 4.3 million, as we can see halo 3 sales achieved 75 percent that of gt prologue sales in only 12 meager days so if these numbers cant convince you enough that halo reach will out sale gt5 nothing will. we could take into account that ps3 now has greater amount of systems sold however you would also have to take into account that 360 also boosted its amounts of system holders so the sale numbers will definitely be bigger this time around for both gt5 and halo reach,

when it comes down to picking the wining game that will sale more i couldn't say with guarantee that halo reach will be the ultimate victor in terms of life time sales but for launch sales i'm 99 percent sure halo reach will dominate and anyone who believes other wise is over optimistic.