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sony got what it deserves, can you respect a 8 core console system that doesn't deliver 8 core gaming experience? does the 8 core make the AI of any game the ps3 produces smarter than the ones found on the 360? are ps3 graphics superior beyond belief? uncharted graphic look superior because we could argue that naughty dog focused on detail, any developer i think for either of the systems when motivated enough to act on detail would i think make any game look good, naught dog saying it cant be done on the 360, really? who can believe that when they are first party to sony because its only the most logical thing to claim and sony wouldn't agree if said any different, who can respect a game like gt5 take takes so long to deliver to our footsteps, who can respect playing inferior mulitplat games on the ps3, who can respect a system that cost 600 at lunch, who can respect a system that has the least titles and your asking me is sony getting the respect it deserves? why yes,