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GodOfWar_3ever said:


Me OK..lets clear some shit up.
After Vetteman voted no lynch, I quoted him and said "OK then, : No Lynch". In his post he mentioned "us townies", suggesting that he is a townie...Since I'm new to mafia, I quickly edited my post thinking that he is falsely interpreting himself as a townie to make another townie slip up.
Afterwards I realized that if he WAS mafia, he would know who is a townie and who is not. So it was all a newb disaster by me.
Then I checked what everyone voted on day 1

OK..lets clear some shit up. I changed my vote above from theRepublic to dtewi (is that allowed ? please give me one more chance since I'm a first timer )

After Vetteman94 voted no lynch, I quoted him and said "OK then, : No Lynch". In his post he mentioned "us townies", suggesting that he is a townie...Since I'm new to mafia, I quickly edited my post thinking that he is falsely interpreting himself as a townie to make another townie slip up.

Afterwards I realized that if he WAS mafia, he would know who is a townie and who is not. So it was all a newb disaster by me.

Then I checked what everyone voted on day 1

No lynch voters

  • ArkZero
  • dtewi
  • KingFate
  • SciFiBoy
  • Vetteman94
I think its safe to assume that these guys (or majority of them anyway) are probably townies.
People who didn't vote
  • Me (because I wasn't online)
  • insomniac17
  • Nikells
  • theRepublic
So, I know I'm not mafia, and Nikells isn't either.
That leaves 7 people with the possibility of being mafia. Out of those 7, insomniac17 and theRepublic didn't vote.
I'm convinced that Vetteman94 isn't mafia judging by his first game related post. If he is, then he is EVIL. But its most likely he isn't because there is no way someone who is mafia would pretend that he is a townie like THAT. Which leads me to suspect dtewi (I will get to this later in the post).
People who were interested in my edit who suspect me of being mafia are obviously townies, if they are mafia, they would know I'm one of them. So that eradicates the possibility of SciFiBoy, KingFate and probably even theRepublic (sorry dude, I wanted to spice things up) being mafia.
Mafia suspects 
ArkZero -
He only voted no lynch because he feels the chance of a lynch happening is unlikely. (Mafia probability - 65%)
dtewi -
calling out for a cop, as a frequent player of the game he was not bothered about my edit...Voting No lynch for the sake of reverse psychology me thinks...
"Oh my god, it took half a page for Night 1 to start." - Doesn't this mean he was anxiously waiting for night 1 to arrive so he can kill Nikells who had made some brilliant observations ?
(Mafia probability - 80%)
insomniac17 -
Also not bothered by my edit, didn't vote. (Mafia probability - 55%)
theRepublic -
Didn't vote, didn't give away much at all in his posts. (Mafia probability - 55%)
Now lynch dtewi before the mafia kill me too !


OK, this post bugs me. He votes for me because of my surprise at how night started so quickly (which I can forgive as he wouldn't know other first days have taken upwards of hundreds of posts) but then he votes for me BECAUSE I didn't suspect him. This may be newbie mistakes, but I don't think so.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you