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theRepublic said:
Vetteman94 said:
theRepublic said:
Vetteman94 said:
dtewi said:
I recommend the cop come foward if any scum was found.

OK, suspect time.

Nikells made a post about how suspect he was of everyone.

This would mean that the scum were afraid of that post or killed him due to being a newb OR wanted to throw us off by making us suspect whoever was suspicious after that post.

Hmph. Not much to go on. I would say it's either the most inexperienced or experienced members that are in the scum.

That is a really bad idea and I am surprised that you would think of it.  For one, we dont know if there is a doctor to protect him, and second even if he found scum the first night, he would probably die shortly after and leave us with nothing else to go on.  It would be nice if he layed low and got a few investigations in and brought them forward either tomorrow or the next day.  That way we would have possibly 2 confirmed townies we could trust, or even the possibility of a scum find in one of those nights. 

FoS dtewi

For already wanting the cop to come forward with only one investigation in

I find this a bit scummy.  You don't want the cop to role claim if he found scum?  The cop should not keep that to himself.  If he dies without saying he found scum, his role was worthless.  It would be like there was never a cop.

One investigation does not help the town out, even if he found scum.  There is nothing that says this game will have a doctor,  we have to assume that we dont to be safe.   If he comes forward with one investigation, and dies the following night, we are in no better of shape then if we just luckily guessed a lynchee.   Getting multiple investigations in is what we need,  that way at least he can give us info on multiple people,  and it improves our chances of lynching the right person. 

One investigation does help the town.  One investigation could be the difference in the game.  What doesn't help us is the cop taking it to his grave.  Yes, we would be in the same shape with a lucky guess, but lucky guesses are rare, while a guilty investigation is a sure thing.

You say there is no reason to assume there is a doctor.  There is no reason to assume there is a cop either.

Technically yes, that is true,  but in ost games there is at the very least a cop to benefit the town.  Being a small game, that may be all we get.