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I think what a lot of the people rallying behind GOW3 and KZ2 are missing is that the fact that the games must be made specifically for the PS3 is just the thing that stops any of those games from coming close to Crysis.
Not only must a game made specifically for the PS3 adhere to it strengths and capabilities, but also to its weaknesses-which might explain why killzone 2 had muddled textures.
This is not the case for the PC since a PCs weaknesses can be fixed by simply replacing that component.
Also the fact the computers vary differently make development for PC games more flexible, and it's why things like low, medium, and high settings exist. PC games do not have to be made specifically for a type of PC, which is one of the reasons PC games and PCs in general will be way more powerful than consoles for a long while...or forever.