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I personally am proud to be a geek (see link) as amp316 said "it make you YOU" everyone has there little things. my mum and sister for example like to talk about soaps (tv drama) and stuff and it annoys me lol. I have next to no interest in it and I guess I can see where people who think gaming is weird are coming from.

you are a geek when 

also from things I have read, learned and experienced, in general gamers are more open to discussion on things that would be considered weird or impossible and will to debate until we reach what seems to be the truth. which generally makes for interesting conversations and more opportunity's for us to put would we believe we know into practice. imo. I connect all of this to fluid intelligence.

video games improve fluid intelligence

maybe this makes me weird but I am proud of it and am willing to debate with anyone who thinks I am wrong.

correct me if I am wrong
stop me if I am bias
I love a good civilised debate (but only if we can learn something).