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I wonder what's with all the SHIT people (and most reviewers) say about games (and in this case GOW3) being NOT SO DIFFERENT from the previous game(s) ???????????

Can someone explain to me? I

IS THAT UNCOMMON to use the same -succesful- formula, keeping the style and gameplay elements that made a game worthy of praise and succesful ?

Reviewers also complain if they change the core gameplay of certain games (cough-phlegm-Final Fantasy 13-cough). Some people are just big whiners. Damned if you do, dammed if you don't.

What about games like FPS? the Halos, Call of Duty of this world. Are they reinventing the wheel with each sequel? HONESTLY I BET YOU WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HALO 3 and ODST, between MW1 and MW2 buy looking at them side by side!!! They're the same!

What's so different about GTA? At their core, they're exactly the same. Big City, you're a gun for hire, you got your map and find locations and do errands all the fucking game, steal cars, whatever you add is just seasoning, the game is same old same.

How come those games get away with that HMMMM???