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TrevDaRev said:

I know what your thinking "Ohh what a stupid question to ask on a gaming website", but hear me out. I stumbled upon a thread a couple of weeks back, were the poster said after going to a Mid-night game launch he realised that he was a "Closet gamer", this really got me thinking about how some people are ashamed of the "sterotypes" that are often thrust upon gamers. Admit it we've all at one time or another been insulted for being a "gamer"; whether its been being called a "Nerd" or having someone shout "Get a life" at you, us gamers have had or fair share of insults tossed our way.

Recently I was talking to a girl I know on IM and she asked me what I was doing I told her I was on Ebay looking at this really cool "God Of War" hoodie; of course she saw that as "un-normal" & insulted me by calling be "SAD". Yes she did it in CAPS!!!

So I've decided to make a thread and see how you felt about all this. Are you a proud gamer? or Are you a "Closet" gamer?

How do you all feel about the "sterotypes" that gamers get?

Me I'm a Proud gamer, people can say what they want there is no way in hell I'm going to stop being a gamer. I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember, I will speak fondly about games, I will stick up for gamers world-wide even though I know there is people who take gaming to seriously but hey they are en-titled to be as passionate about gaming as they want, hell some of the fondest memories I have had in my 17yrs on this planet have re-volved around games.

Whats your thoughts?


Ohh & for the people who say "Games aren't art"...Fuck YOU!!!




i'm that guy who stumbled into the launch of final fantasy 13. possibly, you stumbled into my thread.

i'm a closet gamer. never talk about gaming to anyone i really know. only in forums.