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I think it is real. They had a job listing to redesign the motherboard on the Microsoft website. They showed the slimmed down motherboard and then they dissected it and pointed out what was where like the ring of light, the contoller linking button (forgot the name of it lol), and the AV input. I thought it was fake after i saw that there were no memory unit inputs but then I saw that Microsoft is gonna update the Xbox to let you use flash drives as memory units, so I went right back to believing its real.

Also, Natal is coming soon and i know theyll wanna drop the price on the 360. That way bundle prices can look more appealing. And how can they drop the price significantly? By making a slimmer Xbox that would cost less money to build, like Sony did with the Playstation. Not to mention all the rumors and speculation of a redesigned 360 to go with Natal at launch.

With all this "evidence", what do you guys think. This looks exciting and I hope its real, that way I can have a Slim 360 right next to my Slim PS3. YAY!!