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There are some good arguments both for and against, however, it seems party lines make up most of the arguments.

I myself am lucky I live in a country with universal health care, but it isnt free. Costs are always going up.

With that said I can't really say I'm in favour or against President Obamas health care reform as I'm not a US Citizen.

What I can say is I do not like the fact that insurance companies cannot deny pre-existing conditions. I'm a trustee of an insurance company, and I can only say what a mess that would be if that ever came into effect in my country. Yikes!!!

I game.  You game.  We game.

I'm a videogamer, not a fanboy, but have a special place for Nintendo.

Current Systems Owned: NSwitch/PS4/XONE/WiiU/3DS/2DS/PCGaming Rig-i7/ASUS i7 Gaming Laptop.

Previous Game Consoles:  PS3/Xbox360/Wii/DSL/Pretty much every one thats been released since the Atari 2600.