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Xen said:
Kasz216 said:
To put it another way. There is less difference between JRPGs and WRPGS then there are JRPGS and SRPGS.

It's why SRPGS never show up in JRPG conversations or even RPG conversations in general.

Until VC for *some* reason. You seem to have an issue with the genres in general, but your letting your problem with how genres are defined in general, which is a completly different matter.

VC and Disgaea 3, which is actually much closer to being a JRPG than VC is.

I haven't seen people cosnider Disgaea 3 a JRPG since VC came out really.  Which is another reason why I think it's "list wars" based.

Had Final Fantasy 13 Versus came out first... I doubt either would of ever been considered a JRPG by a lot of people who consider them JRPGs now.

To be fair too I don't consider Borderlands an RPG.  Mostly because the shooting is too good. 

Much how action games that have RPG elements aren't action games...

but RPGS with crappy controls compaired to action games are considered Action RPGs.