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Lostplanet22 said:
Kasz216 said:
Lostplanet22 said:
A bit confused ...The bill pass but if the republicans come back they can change it again?

Why was their no referendum about this? I know that referendums are not always a good thing to do but in ths case I think it would be a good one.

(and if their was one forget my comment)

If you wanted to pass something that 70%+ of America was against... would YOU hold a referndum?  Not that we do referendums.

How did they know 70% of America was against it?   Well I thought it would be fair to hold a referendum about it considering so many Americans even living in foreign countries saw this as an very important subject.

Polling. Even the most democratic surveys saw massive dislike for this bill. People want healtcare reform... but healthcare reform that will work. Not change for the sake of change.