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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Sometimes we just need to shut up and dive head first into the chaos that is progress. Sometimes it's not so good, but if we don't take the dive, things can never get better. Next stop, single payer! (Even if it takes another 40 years.)

The abortion language in the related executive order is very unfortunate, but it could have been a lot worse. If the number of women in Congress keeps increasing at the current rate however, that shouldn't be a problem in 20 or 30 years.


First off, as a child I was always taught to look before you leap and it has always been the right choice. Far too often do people jump head first into something, and because they don’t understand the risks or anticipate the problems it blows up in their face. We’re currently in a major financial crisis that was caused by the government “Diving head first into the chaos that is progress” and encouraging home ownership while deregulating banks; and from individuals who didn’t look before they leapt and were surprised when they found out their sub-prime mortgage had a rate reset and home prices don’t rise forever.



For the most part, there is very little difference between support for abortion from men or women; but the lowest levels of support for abortion tend to be from women who have children who are of child bearing age (basically the age most women in politics would be). Its not difficult to see why this is the case being that a women who has a 16 year old daughter would have a very different perspective on having an abortion than her mother would, in a large part because her mother understands the consequences of her daughter’s actions; and potentially would be worried that her daughter may make that choice out of fear or embarrassment.