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psrock said:
TheRealMafoo said:
psrock said:

I am not you, I am actually for this "Bill" now law, and you expect me to be sad because history have been made today. The same group of people who spent trillions on crappy war are against health insurance for American people. It's a great day for me and my family, you should see us celebrating.

I was against the war too, but anyway...

Can you tell me how you, or your families lives will be better due to this bill? What's going to change for you?

if you have insurance, you will just pay more. If you didn't, you will be forced to buy it. Where's the upside?

I know plenty people in Brooklyn New york including in my family who currently have no health insurance. Some work jobs that don't provide it. They have to go and spend 8 HOURS in Kings County Hospital just to get a chance to see a doctor. You should see the way they threat these people.

I have never qualified for medicaid or family Health plus because I make too much which is nothing really, and I won't mind paying just so I feel protected. This means a lot to us in New York. I know many won't understand, but in this country the people who really need health insurance can't get it sometimes. This will end, and MR Obama is the one that will do it. What a wonderful day.

How does this bill help you get healthcare?  Have you actually read it?

It "helps" you get health insurance by FORCING you to get health insurance... and hoping that by forcing you to get health insurances costs may go down.