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d21lewis said:
How does it benefit Nintendo, if a gamer walks into a store to buy a Wii, and some games, but walks out without because the Wii wasn't there. Nintendo wants to make money. They can't profit from dissapointing the customer.

 Actually, there's a critical time for a console when games -actually- become available for that console.  If anything, as long as demand is still high, it's probable that customers will be better satisfied with "Wii" in general when more games are on the shelves to choose from.  It would be -bad- if a consumer were disappointed with Wii's selection and then sold it to someone else.


But that's all speculation, just as your question is as well.  In all honesty, as long as consumers -still- plan on buying a Wii it doesn't really matter.  The longer it takes, the more games on the shelves will attract more business. 

Besides, everyone wants the latest craze, whether it's meritted or not. 

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.