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TheRealMafoo said:

I am sorry to say this, but those people in your family that don't have health insurance, are no better off now then they were yesterday. There is nothing in this bill for them. They will not have coverage just because this bill passed.

What they will have is the ability to go to an insurance exchange, and buy insurance, if they can afford the $6,000-$10,000 that it will cost. The only people this bill helps, are those with a good amount of money, who can afford insurance, but due to a pre existing condition, can't find anyone who will cover them.

The sad thing is, there are far better ways to solve that one problem.

Welp, now I went and read the bill - leastways, the summary on the link that you posted - and I remain unconvinced of the body of your assertions, here.

I tell you what, Mafoo. I will make only five more posts in this topic following this one - you can have as many as you want, but anything I could say, I will say in five posts, and after that my posts will be useless. If I have more to say after that five, tough titty, that's my problem. I will have five posts.

Let me start by asking you this:

What section or provision in this bill makes you think that this will make insurance more expensive for the little guy, as in someone like my grandmother?

Please don't make leaps in logic on this one, I want you to refer specifically to areas of the bill that make youo think this way - cite sections, if you are able. Today I am going to have things clarified for me.