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"I think many families out there have no need or no momney for Blu-Ray + HDTV"

Give me a break! All appliance need replacing eventually. Nearly all I know now own a HDTV of some sorts, even my grandparents!

Another thing people like u overlook is that BD players are DVD players too, and have become very reasonable in price. Why would u buy a DVD player, when u can pick up a BD player for around the same price?

I have a question, why have a HDTV at all if u are not using it to recieve a HD signal? I mean, without BD your HD TV is a waste of money. U can watch digital TV on any TV with a set-top-box, and digital TV is not HD.

HDTVs were made for a HD signal, and that is Blu-ray.

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD