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blazefire saber: 620 str 620 mag
Axis blade: 315 str 315 mag
Edged Carbine: 210 str 723 mag
Lifesaber: 520 str 520 mag
Gladius: 723 str 210 mag
Organyx: 750 str 750 str
Lionheart: 508 str 508 str

Vega 42s: 812 str 822 mag
Spica Defenders: 713 str 911 mag
Rigels: 1006 str 1014 mag
Deneb Duellers: 608 str 1125 mag
Aldebarans: 0 str 1150 mag
Pleiades: 1150 str 0 mag
Antares: 610 str 616 mag
Proyons: 620 str 414 mag

Wild Bear: 717 str 717 mag
Paladin: 510 str 510 mag
Rebel Heart: 602 str 611 mag
Power Circle: 925 str 202 mag
Feymark: 0 str 1050 mag
Sacrificial Corcle: 1020 str 1020 mag
Unsetting Sun: 815 str 205 mag
Umbra: 410 str 620 mag

Airwing: 526 str 441 mag
Hawkeye: 202 str 917 mag
Otshirvani: 513 str 713 mag
Ninurta: 612 str 612 mag
Vidofnir: 305 str 713 mag
Simurgh: 926 str 0 mag
Malphas: 832 str 832 mag
Alcianto: 608 str 608 mag

Binding Rod: 715 str 216 mag
TigerClaw: 828 str 828 mag
Healer's Staff: 424 str 424 mag
Pearlwing Staff: 201 str 912 mag
Rod of Thrones: 709 str 709 mag
Mistileinn: 403 str 807 mag
Belladonna: 403 str 807 mag
Heavenly Axis: 403 str 807 mag

Bladed Lance: 753 str 314 mag
Dragoon Lance: 962 str 0 mag
Partisan: 307 str 839 mag
Shamanic Spear: 0 str 941 mag
Punisher: 517 str 731 mag
Pandoran Spear: 616 str 830 mag
Taming Pole: 921 str 921 mag
Gae Bolg: 642 str 642 mag

if this is a spoiler tell me i will white it out. hope this helps people