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mirgro said:
TheRealMafoo said:
mirgro said:

I'm fine with being a communist, at least it's some semblance of government that ensures human progression.

Yes, because all communist countries have ensured human progression.

Your not even making sense anymore.

It's not like capitalism has worked all too well. After the intial huge boost from WWII where the US was the only nation whose industry was not levelled to the ground, it began incurring debt in the 80s. If you give 13 trillion USD to any other nation I'm farily sure they'd be fine and dandy econamically as well, maybe some will be even more advanced than the US. For the record Russia's debt is only 80 billion USD and it has gone up only recently. By the time COmmunism fell the US was already over 5 trillion.

Also was it not the Communists who were the first in space? In fact not only were they first to reach space they sent a man to space first as well.  Are you telling me reaching space is not human progression? In fact reaching space and the internet are probably the biggest advances of humans in the past century.

But ultimately this isnt about communism, it's aboiut the fact that you want what is basically anarchy, and that is far worse than even communism, because at least communism is a form of government and it is quite well known that any form of government provides some form of human progress. Anarchy doesn't have any of that.

Russia did accomplish what the government wanted. Space. They aslo murdered tens of millions of it's citizens, because that's what the government wanted.

Saying that somehow giving government that kind of complete control is advancing human rights, is to disregard all of history.. all of it. 

And the only person talking about Anarchy is you. I want government. i think a country needs government. But I also think they need to do nothing more then protect my rights and yours, and then they need to get the fuck out of my way.