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Kasz216 said:
mirgro said:

I honestly don't know about her situation as thoroughly, I just know that she was an honest person, got fucked over by life, and consequently the system fucked her some more. That's a failure of the system, as I said, I can go to Eastern European countries and get an X-Ray for about $20. I know it's $2.50 for an X-Ray on the teeth since I was over there a while back when I had some teeth troubles.

So... why do you think insurance companys are why X-rays cost 300 dollars? (About the price for a shoulder.)

Also, why do you think raising everyones insurance coss is going to fix this problem.

I was talking about the system as a whole, not the insurance companies in particular, they just happen to be part of the system. I was never too fond of the bill, but it's a change and since it's so unfavorable for everyone it should change even more later on, hopefully in the right direction and not to where it is now.