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Kasz216 said:
mirgro said:

She was most definitely unable to spare those $500 in the situation she was in for a while. She is most definitely the type of person who just sits around and does nothing, she had a weird thing that she felt she needed to do work and be useful to society.

Anyhow the point was that under the current system, a person can be perfectly honest and and willing to work and the system will still fuck them over. That is a definition of a broken system.


She moved from the west to the east coast. Apparently it doesn't apply or something. I also think that even if it did it may not have been transfered since she had her insurance from her work.

Actually, if she left her job to go cross country she had the right to pay for her health insurance via Cobra until her new health insurance kicked in.

Or could of just gotten private health insurance for the short term.

I honestly don't know about her situation as thoroughly, I just know that she was an honest person, got fucked over by life, and consequently the system fucked her some more. That's a failure of the system, as I said, I can go to Eastern European countries and get an X-Ray for about $20. I know it's $2.50 for an X-Ray on the teeth since I was over there a while back when I had some teeth troubles.