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flowjo said:
lol say what you will killsone2, gow3 and uncharted2 are among the best graphics in the industry only beat out by crysis on pc.

the op is about comparing killzone2 vs crysis2, funny though seeing how the crysis2 screens are not real console screenshots basically its comparing ps3 to pc which in my eyes is not a fair comparison.

crysis2 on console is very dumbed down , the textures are much lower rez and the lighting effects are limited, overall crysis2 on console will look no better than any other graphical beast.

the bluray might not read as fast as a dvd drive but does it even show its limitations in games like uncharted , gow3 or killzone2? no they have no installs and the load times are quite short. bluray offers up to 50 gigs of space , why any gamer would want dvd over bluray boggles my mind.

games are only getting bigger and dvd is becoming more costly for developers as the games need to be partitioned and the visual downgrade is always noticeable due to compression and lower resolutions. so whats going to happen when games are 70 or 90 gigs and im sure there will be some game on ps3 before this gen is over that will have 2 discs and it will look stunning.

Don't forget shattered Horizon and Stalker Clear skies. Both have lighting way beyond that of any console game I've seen, plus better than 720p resolution and sweet AA only limited by your GPU. But yeah, it is a silly comparison comparing consoles which aren't upgradeable to PC hardware which can be replaced by the best components as soon as they are released.