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Words Of Wisdom said:
choirsoftheeye said:

Nintendo has more money than Sony - or, at least, the company is worth more than Sony. That's a fact that many people miss.

Tsk tsk. Let's have a reality check!

Sony's worth: 12,470,860,000,000 Yen

Nintendo's worth: 1,659,239,000,000 Yen

Sony's worth is about 7.5 (7.516...) times that of Nintendo.

 I may have missed the end of this comment.... but... I revive it.


Just because "a" company is worth 300 quadrillion dollars does not mean it even profits ten.

Just because the United States is as it is, does not mean the national debt is not skyrocketing.

Just because you have assets doesn't mean you are in a favorable position to make money....


Sony's first half of the current year:  140 billion yen profit on 12.5 trillion yen.

Nintendo's first half of current year:  132 billion yen profit on 1.65 trillion yen.


So you tell me.  Your numbers against mine, Sony profits 0.0112 yen per 1 yen asset.  Nintendo makes 0.08 yen per 1 yen asset.

That's a ratio of over 7:1 efficiency of Nintendo:Sony.  Seven times more profit based on asset.  Seven!  that hurts.      7.15 x 1.65 = 11.8.  If you take Nintendo and Sony side by side and compare an asset 'rating', you get Sony with 12.5 trillion yen, and Nintendo with 11.8 trillion yen.  I'm not sure this all really matters, assets.


No, no my friend, that's not clear cut formidability.  It's only vague fact without any other partaining facts.  I may be the King of Facher House, and Kings make a lot of tax money, but this King of Facher House is only worth a small house worth, and certainly makes less than a respectable share of anything   But I am still King of Facher House....  that MUST mean I'm great, right? 

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.