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CGI-Quality said:
jarrod said:
Kilzoned82 said:

I object to the OPs thread. Sales trends indicate the contrary.

Sales trends indicate a cyclical nature between PS3 and 360 momentum.  Considering Microsoft's all-star lineup the next 12 months (Halo , Monster Hunter, Gears of War, Fable, Call of Duty, Madden, etc), more favorable public opinion of Natal, and an all but confirmed slim redesign (with the likely price cuts that will bring), I'd say chances are good history's about to repeat itself. ;)

I agree that sales trends indicate a cynical nature between them, but the highlughted would mainly be true if we completely ignore what Sony has/may have. Also, Gears of War hasn't been confirmed. Like the Slim 360 & Killzone 3, it's just rumor.

Looking at motion devices, Natal didn't receive the best public treatment out of the gate either, as didn't the Wii prior to it's release. As for line-ups in the next twelve months, Sony can claim a hefty one as well: (GT5, Madden, Call of Duty, Socom 4, Versus XIII, FFXIV, etc).

We'll have a better idea of who will claim what though after E3, because we'll know if there are any other Hoilday titles planned from either. Everything right now, besides the obvious: (Natal, Move, Halo, Socom, GT5, Fable, possible 360 price-cut) is speculation.

I disagree, I'd say even factoring PS3's strengths (slimomentum, GT5, etc) it's still more likely (should all the mentioned occur) that 360 is the favorite.  Sony had a great lineup for summer/fall 2008, with arguably even better exclusives (MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, Valkyria, SOCOM, etc), and were coming off a big pricedrop that had put them ahead in the first half, and Micrsoft still came roaring back with their core lineup and a delayed response pricedrop.  It's pretty easy to see where 2010's headed going off past precedent, and that's not ignoring anything.

Also, R&D cycles sort of support the rumor of Gears 3 in spring 2011, as do the vague comments from Rein, Cliffy and other Epic people, and the slim revision is basically confirmed via Chinese manufacturer leaks (complete with motherboard photos).  I'd say the Killzone 3 rumor is likely too actually, but it really does have less to "support" it than these 360 rumors, and it'd imply a pretty quick cycle out of Guerilla (who's not exactly known for their timeliness).

And no, Natal's not been overwhelmingly received, and there's lots of questions and behind the scenes skepticism.  But even at this early stage with no formal games announced, it's still had a far more positive response than Move.  The hype's on Microsoft's side, it has been since last E3 even, and it's really "their game to lose" among the HD motion interfaces.