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OK, a little late, but... I just finished the Bourne Conspiracy on Xbox360.

It was very difficult. The fighting mechanics were so frustrating. You only have 2 different punches and you mash the hell out of them. Timing was very important. A lot of quick time events also, where you better hit the right button quickly or get killed or do it over. When enemies get close you can no longer use any guns, so fighting was mandatory. So many times, I get close to a kill, and have to start it all over. I liked the levels where you could hide behind stuff to shoot the enemies from afar much better. Collecting all the passports was not fun. I didn't get them all, but don't want to go back and try to either.

Story wise the game was okay. Some fun missions, like blowing up a tank in a courtyard.
Graphically and sound wise it was pretty good actually.

Could probably compare this to 007 Quantum of Solace, but I liked that much more. That had the great CoD engine. Oh well, it's hard to have a winner with movie games. If you have to pick between the 2, go with Bond. If you hate movie tie-ins, skip both.