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Vertigo-X said:
dtewi said:
joeorc said:


you do know I was in the United states navy right!

Its simple

acoustic location..

both of these work on simple term's : active sonar

one both is one way active sonar  the clicker one has more application switches which is the power glove

the sound or the eco can tell you how far or how close or even how big, how many types of sound's there are based on pitches, how long each pitch is etc.

it uses sound to locate, or navigate just like a Bat does with sonar. but that is not all sound can be used for!

since sound's and pitches each make a seperate sound and  vibration they can be used to make with the design transmitter to when it hear's that sound activate to cary out its function.



Just as I thought. You have no clue what you're talking about.

Glad somebody came to that conclusion eventually.

how is that not related to sonar?

both of these system's are tracked by sound,

sound navigation range. IE: Sonar which is what acoustic location is. which both of these technology's use. get over yourself your looking very stupid right now.

"The ultrasonic speakers take turns transmitting a short burst (a few pulses) of 40 kHz sound and the system measures the time it takes for the sound to reach the microphones.

A triangulation calculation is performed to determine the X, Y, Z location of each of the two speakers, which specifies the yaw and roll of the hand."




you do know what one of the thing's sonar in air is used for don't you?

it can used for robot navigation. Sonar is not just for Water.

The term sonar is also used for the equipment used to generate and receive the sound


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.