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akuseru said:
WilliamWatts said:

Why the hell do I care about MS? I was just saying that relative to Nintendo both suck in terms of impact so therefore you should find something more productive to argue about.

Wii Sports + Wii Fit + Mario Kart Wii + New Super Mario Brothers = more important than all of Sony's games ever produced in their entire history. If I was to put Nintendo on the same graph as Sony and Microsoft I would have to break the scale so that you could even see Sony and Microsoft on that said graph. So next to Sony's pretty poor efforts this generation and Microsofts lack of ability to perform in this area saying one flea is a little bigger than another is pretty irrelevant.

So no I don't need to even click on the Xbox 360 link above to come up with any response.

and why the hell should we care about Wii Sports + Wii Fit + Mario Kart Wii + New Super Mario Bros? We care about HD games and consoles which have the power to support games with good physics, graphics, sound, gameplay, scale, all the things that the Wii is to weak to handle. To mention Wii Sports and Wii Fit as a gamer is laughable imo. I don't give a shit about annoying games like that. Mario Kart Wii has clearly dropped quality for more sales. That games is just pure shit and leaves a big brown stain on my beloved Mario Kart serie's reputation. NSMB Wii is ok though, but still, I played that game around 16 years ago on the SNES, minus the 4 player LOCAL (lol) multiplayer.. And btw, just look at Wii Sports Resort sales compared to Wii Sports. Looks like there are many happy consumers out of those 60 million Wii Sports owners who ran to the store to get Wii Sports Resort.. LMAO.

But ye, sales are important I guess. That's why you're sitting in front of your computer digging that Britney Spears album with a bit of that Lady Gaga on the side and ye, the new Lil' Wayne album. LMAO!!! Get lost with your Nintendo trash, this is about Sony and MS. Popularity usually = pure shit in my book. Just look at the music and movie business, and television series, or MTV. That's the crowd I see buying the Wii.

You care? Ok. But you're Mr irrelevant in the market. There are more Farmville players than Wii Players to put things in perspective and there are far more Wii players than there are PS3 players. So to put it simply most people think the kind of games you like are total crap.

Good Physics, graphics, high fidelity sound weren't needed to push NSMB Wii over 10M sales. Hell if you don't care then im not going to make you. However more people care for high fidelity gameplay like for instance Mario Kart. Your kind has been outspent and outvoted, you're the minority.

You laugh at Wii Sports Resorts sales? Fine. Show me a PS3 game with a 23% attach rate? Show me an amazing Sony first party game which 20% of PS3 owners deemed worthy of purchase.

I hope Sony thinks like you, because if they do then it'll do the world a favour when they go bankrupt from their ineptness. Why let a dead horse linger on? Shoot it in the head and be done with it.