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It's very easy to make data say what you want it to say. I can take the same set of games, chop it up by it's development origin and find a new bias for Edge. I can do the exact same study and probably find IGN biased in the other direction. The thing is, it's typically only a handful of games screwing with the results in either direction. It doesn't help that Metacritic was the measure used either. First thing is, we're using Metacritic to compare with Edge, when Edge's scores are inside of every Meta, screwing with the results. Secondly we don't know the weight of each publication comprised in a Metascore. Third, which score is being used comparing the multiplatform Meta's? Each game has two. The discrepancy could have more to do with a very favorable PS3 site like IGN getting a huge advantage in raising the scores.

Edit: Forgot the most important thing also. Edge rates games 1-10. Metacritic scores games 1-100. Anything under a 5 point difference should simply be ignored and washed clean because of an inability to score them the same way Meta does. 

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.