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This is an excerpt from IGN's MASS EFFECT 2 review :


"Speaking of pleasing people, BioWare listened to every last bit of criticism leveled at Mass Effect 1. That game, particularly on Xbox 360, suffered from a few technical and presentational issues**. This sequel is a much, much cleaner experience. Long elevator rides and slow-loading textures are gone, replaced with (occasionally lengthy) loading screens. Generic cut-and-paste side quests and empty planets to explore have been totally ripped out. Pretty much everything that anybody took even the slightest issue with in Mass Effect 1 has been axed or rebuilt entirely."

He continues "I've played through the game twice and during that time experienced sound cutting out, my character getting stuck in the environment and full game crashes. Thankfully, these miscues are infrequent, which allows the art style to shine.

And yet they scored Mass Effect 2 presentation a  PERFECT 10

What's that called?   B.I.A.S  aka bullshit.


But let me continue :

So the guy recognizes the first one was not particularly well ironed-out at all. It had issues, I dare say lots of them. But still, he recognizes they existed.

Care to explain now how come IGN then awarded the first MASS EFFECT with a 9.4 and most hilarous of all, they score it a HIGH 9.5 IN PRESENTATION.

What's that called again? yeap. Childish fanboy BIAS aka GTFO

Notice the SAME guy from IGN wrote both reviews.

BUT HEY! GOD OF WAR III presentation is 8.5 ! Where are my game-crashing glitches? where's my horrible framerate and texture pop-in? where's my long loading times? where's my characters looking like cardboard dolls while moving and talking???? is there any of that in GOWIII? THANK THE LORD THERE ISN'T OR IT WOULD'VE GOTTEN A  6 FOR PRESENTATION!

And that my friends, is BIAS.

**Few my ass.