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ShadowSnake said:
Garnett said:
Sony may have been deving it but Nintendo brought it to the consoles first, even if Sony did invent it.

Nintendo took the risk of it flopping and it was a huge success, Sony obviously wasnt gonna do it.

Same with the MS surface, even if MS did do it first the Apple Ipad will be the first on the market, therefore MS is coping them.

i agree with you, but what i think theyre trying to say is that sony had the idea of a wand already. the fact is everyone just keeps showing those two comparison shots and saying cmon look at them, it's a "blatant ripoff". no one's denying that nintendo took the risk, made it mainstream and is therefore the one's being copied. but the fact that ppl are just using the hey its a ripoff because "its a wiimote+ball+nunchuk" as the reason for it being a copy is what the op is showing is not true. sony had that idea already.

i mean like you invest money into r&d. come up with an idea. obviously they decided not to go with it. but nintendo now comes along. has huge success with it. now sony and ms are following suite. if you're sony, wouldn't you copy nintendo also? you dun needa invest into r&d for a totally new product. and plus now you can bank off the huge wii success by having multiplat games shared with the wii w/out any risk. it's the only logical decision

EDIT: oh and btw, i am of the opinion that it's kinda too late for sony and ms to profit off of this, this gen. this ship has sailed. which is why if they were to do it, i see the "similar to the nintendo" product being the most logical decision

Sony may of had the MOVE already to go but they didnt launch it, therefore Nintendo took it and ran. 

Its a rip off.. Its not like


(2004 or 2005)

Sony CEO #1- Hey guys we have this Motion controller called MOVE and it could be a huge sales success, What do you think?

Sony CEO # 2- No Motion controlled games will never be a huge success, You think the PS2 sold 140 million with waggling technology?

E3 2006( or 2005 i forgot) Nintendo's Reggie - Ladies and Gentlemen we have the Wii, its a motion contolled system for the family.

Sony CEO #1- Guys they have the motion controlled system, we should include the MOVE with the purchase of every PS3

Sony CEO # 2- No were not gonna take that big of a risk, instead we will include six axis built into the controller of every PS3.


2009 and the Wii is 40 million units ahead of the PS3

E3 2009 and after the flop of Six Axis (I mean really few games use it, im calling it a flop)

Sony CEO  - Well ladies and gentlemen, here is the PS MOVE!