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DaBuddahN said:
jarrod said:
Alic0004 said:

1.)  Out of every review magazine in existence, they have a the lowest overall average rating for PS3 exclusives.  They don't have this issue with 360 exclusives, if I remember correctly.  In other words, they have the biggest (or one of the biggest) discrepancies between how they rate games on different consoles.  There was a interesting article about this a few months back, which listed a bunch of magazines' review averages for exclusives sorted by which console they're on.  One could use the discrepancy between these different consoles' review averages to make a logical argument that if there is one game magazine or group of reviewers in the entire world which is biased against a particular console, the statistics suggest it would most likely be Edge.  If you don't believe that anyone in the world is biased, good for you.

Link to said article?  Because honestly, this claim smells like bullshit...

This article happened. I saw it here myself on VGC. But thats not the full story. The article was about which reviewers were biased towards what console. Edge, statistically speaking, had a huge tendency to give 360 games higher scores, especially shooters and Halo games in general. While on the other hand, I think they concluded IGN was a tad more lenient towards the PS3. But at the end, the graph presented showed the statistical bias of Edge towards the 360 was significantly greater than IGN bias towards the PS3.

The slant there seems to imply more regional bias and genre bias than "console bias" though.  Which I think you could definitely make a case for and really wouldn't be anything new for EDGE (they used to MURDER 2D fighters in the 90s).  As soon as anyone starts screaming institutional console bias though, eh... I mean, if any console has that going against it, it's more likely the Wii than anything, and then not from EDGE even imo. :/

I would appreciate a link to the article though still...