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jesus kung fu magic said:
supraman28 said:

i completely agree that IGN is bias against the PS3. gates and his merry men probably give IGN some microsoft money in order to respond to claims from video game outlets that some games are inferior on the final fantasy xiii in this case.

also, i believe giving ps3 exclusives low scores is another means microsoft pays IGN for, case in point white knight chronicles getting such a low score [what was it a 4.1, i dont remember and i have vowed to never grace the pages of IGN ever again, thus im not gonna even check] is not deserving for level 5 studios, the game at least deserves an 8.0, 7.7 at the least. the user reviews for the game are nearly double the score than what the IGN staff gave the game, and obviously IGN is trying to stem people from buying such a quality online PS3 adventure, a blow that can cause 360 owners to realize that the xbox live service may not be as great as microsoft and IGN make it out to be.

im nearly pointing out that i believe microsoft is doing something in order to persuade IGN to downplay the playstation 3 and their titles, whether it be from microsoft money or from whatever other way. im not screaming bias, im yelling that microsoft is using their money in order to send bad politics to the playstation that are not warranted and do not fall in line with the free market. All of this due to the fact that industry experts have been honestly and correctly analyzing the inferiority aspect of the technology that the microsoft 360 is equipped with.

Let us all raise our hands in prayer......

O holy father of the banhammer, I pray to you that your hammer strikes swiftly and justly as these are some of your many qualities....Amen

supraman28 said:

banning me is not the answer to your problems.  taking someone's opinion into thoughtful consideration rather than claiming the necessity for a ban due to that opinion is the answer.  

i can sit here and ask for a ban of you for bringing religion into this forum!

jesus kung fu magic said:

Your post was full of , quite frankly , retarted assumtions and were far from warrenting "thoughtful consideration"......I could say "Sony is in dealing with the devil" or "Miyamoto eats little orpaned children" and they would have just as much A place on these forums as your post did.


i am merely stating my opinions for thinking that IGN is biased against the PS3 with evidence that i believe is true.  nowhere in my posting am i stating that sony is in dealing with the devil nor claiming that miyamoto eats humans, which has the possibility of being true.  i am an economist and it is not an assumption, rather than a theory of mine, in which i have named the "Microsoft Dumbing Down the Industry" Theory, be sure to look for a video posting of such a theory in the near future, and that may shed some light onto what you think is "retarted."

and i can say that you are retarded for spelling retarded wrong, but i wont.