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There are a couple things I'd like to comment on about this article:

1. Isn't minority-majority kind of...well, does that really work? If they became the majority, wouldn't they no longer be the minority?

2. I live in one of the most racially diverse states in the whole country (Maryland), and one that's upcoming on the list to become a minority-majority state (joining Hawaii, California, Texas, and New Mexico). Life rolls on here, just like it does in the four states I mentioned (California and New Mexico are nothing to brag about, but that's not the fault of minorities). Honestly, there's a lot of changes that will happen in the next couple of decades. I could make a huge list of them, but the whole point is that they're different from the established order. I don't really care.

3. Asian women have less children than white women. The main issue is the lack of white immigration (there's little motivation for a white European to immigrate to the U.S.). The only white immigrants the U.S. sees these days (for the most part) is Russians and people from former Soviet nations. I should know, since the Russian mafia is situated in my area (or so I've come to believe).

4. I'm fine with it so long as we don't all mix into one big, chocolately cultural milkshake. Let's keep the races separate (all the fun is being different in the first place!).